NBO Microsite: Vibhavari |
About Vibhavari VIBHAVARI is a non-profit voluntary organization. It is registered under Registration of Firms & Societies Act, 1973 (Reg. No. 1570), and is formed with the aim of promoting sustainable development at both rural and urban levels. Since its registration in 1997, Vibhavari has been working at field level as an implementation partner and consultant with Government and national & international agencies in almost entire Madhya Pradesh. Vibhavari is authorized to work across the length and breadth of India and has got 12A, 80G certificates along with affiliations under FCRA, GST, and is also registered with Niti Ayog | Vision Vibhavari aspires to serve its best to the entire humanity irrespective of gender caste and creed. We visualise a society maintaining perfect harmony in social, cultural, economical and environmental dimensions . Mission
Focus Areas |
| Social Movements
A transit walk of a watershed area with community., 2020
A common platform for bureaucrats, technocrats, political leaders and community representatives to talk about water management.
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