“Transforming India into an S&T-driven Global Manufacturing Hub” to Take Center Stage at IISF-2024.
10th edition of IISF to take place at IIT Guwahati from 30 November to 3 December.
Northeast to hold first ever India International Science Festival showcasing Prime Minister’s vision for the Region.
At a press briefing at National Media Centre, Dr. Jitendra Singh disclosed that the 10th edition of the India International Science Festival (IISF) will be held at Guwahati, marking a significant milestone in the region’s journey towards becoming a hub for scientific and technological innovation. The festival, to be hosted at IIT Guwahati from November 30th to December 3rd 2024, is a testimony to the Government’s commitment to the Northeast and aligns with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s focus on the region as a key player in India’s growth story.
IISF Registration 2024
Click here
General Instructions
For individual registration, the registration can be done either as a 'General Visitor' or as an 'Event Participant' by selecting respective tabs under "Individual Registration"
For Institutional Registration cick on "Institutional Registration" tab to continue.
Event Participant
- Registrants can choose up to maximum of 3 events only.
- on successfull submission on "Event Participant" form, registrant will be redircted to a page where the opted events along with the respective google form links will be shown.
- Further the registrant will be required to fill up the google forms for the selected events. Incase if they have missed the google form links, they can click here to view the events opted by entering the ID number generated at the time of registration
- Profile and Grassroots model activities need to be converted to PDF File within 1MB.
- Registration window will be open till November 7.