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Chapter: Tamilnadu

We have 20 state chapters consisting of around 1200 associates comprising of grassroots voluntary developmental organisations, research institutions, social organisations, social entrepreumers& scientists.

We have constituted a national Governing Board, selected from the active 400 member organisations.

We have more than 300 category A,B organizations and around 800 category C,D category based on the resource , track record, project execution, basic infrastructure, man power and other parameters set by the score card of VibhaVani.

Some of our prominent members are associated in implementing CSR activities through development projects and developing social entrepreneurship and livelihood activities




DATE: 3.11. 2023

Time: 11.30am

Name of participants:

1. Mr. Annadurai

2. Dr. Dolovincy

3. Dr. K. Joseph Vincent - Madurai Region

4. Mr. Kumar - Chennai Region

5. Mr. Malayarasan - Selam Region


1. Membership renewal/increase

2. Water program TOT selection

3. IISF NOISM- participation

4. Preparation of Water related projects to companies to avail CSR funding

1. Membership increase: It has been discussed that all Regional Coordinators should take efforts to increase the number of membership on or before 10th of this month. They agreed to strengthen the quantity by adding a minimum of 8-10 members in each region. Tamilnadu chapter NBOs Vhibhavani wattsapp group will be finalized after that.

2. TOT for water program will be finalized after finalizing the membership

3. Participants of IISF NOISM conference will be equally distributed to each region. Priority has to be given to new members also.

4. Water related project has to be prepared and submitted to Vibhavani for fine tuning in the middle of December and the project has to be submitted for CSR funding after identifying the relevant company through an eligible organization before the end of December 2023. It should be decided later on, to submit projects regionwise or statewide.

The project team will meet in Madurai in November.

Tha meeting came to a close after vote of thanks expressed by Malayarasan.

Team Vibhavani- Tamilnadu

Mr. Annadurai

National Representative

Dr. Dolovincy

State Coordinator

Regional Coordinators

Mr. Balakrishnan


Dr. K. Joseph Vincent


Mr. Malayarasan


Advt. Mr. Kumar


Become a Member/ Associate

Become part and parcel of VibhaVani India society, the national consortium of developmental organisations and institutions engaged in societal development and nation building.

Chapter Members


Thematic Areas

Sustainable Agriculture,
Natural Resource Mgmt,
Environment & Climate

Technology and

Woman, Child and
Youth Development

Education, Literacy
and Counseling

Skill, Entrepreneurship
and Livelihood

Water, Sanitation
and Waste

Health & Hygiene,

Financial inclusion

Apply for Accreditation & Certification

  • Vibha Vani India engaged in the capacity building and facilitation of voluntary developmental organisation is providing Accreditation, Validation and Certification of grassroots developmental organisations and academic and research institutions engaged in societal development.
  • Validation, Profiling, Accreditation and Certification will enable the organisations to present their activities in a scientific manner and position themselves as a resource centre for developmental activities through scientific interventions depicting their strength, achievements and capabilities.
  • Process includes validation, on sight inspection by experts, verification, appraisal etc by leading institutions like VNIT. This will help in presenting the organisation in a better profile with credibility before the funding agencies and government initiatives.
  • VibhaVani shall communicate to various CSR and Govt institutions regarding the Accreditation and banding support shall be provided.
  • Each stages in the certification process shall be informed and recommendation for improvement shall be intimated from time to time.
  • Those who intend to undergo the accreditation process can fill up the Score card and submit.
  • The various stages and conditions shall be informed directly. There is no charges for registration & profile generation. 
  • Final Accreditation certificate incurs processing fee.
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